[R] Tk table: how to get information about configurations ?

Cleber N.Borges klebyn at yahoo.com.br
Sat Dec 5 12:41:56 CET 2015

I would like to know the correct way of getting information about the 
values of the parameters of a Tktable.
some details I even managed to extract but quite archaic form ...
I thank you for advance for any help.

# example

library( tcltk ) ; tclRequire( 'Tktable' )

tt <- tktoplevel() ; fm <- ttkframe( tt )

tkpack( fm, expand=T, fill='both')

# set info (geometry) of toplevel
tkwm.geometry( tt, "600x400+400+200" )

# get info (geometry) about toplevel
tcl( 'wm', 'geometry', wDataOrg )

table <- tkwidget( fm, 'table', background='white', selectmode="extended" )

tkpack( table, expand=T, fill='both' )

# how get informations about this table?????????????
tkconfigure( table )  #  ?????????

tcl( table, 'xxxxx' ) # ???????????

tcl( table, 'curselection' )

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