[R] Tktable do not expand inside a Tkframe
Cleber N.Borges
klebyn at yahoo.com.br
Fri Dec 4 02:31:40 CET 2015
hello all,
I'm trying to build a table within a frame. I would like the table to
expand when the entire window is expanded.
I could not find examples of how to solve this problem.
I thank you in advance for help.
# piece of the code
library( tcltk )
tclRequire( "Tktable" )
dataorgW <- tktoplevel()
fmMenu <- tkframe( dataorgW, borderwidth=10, relief="groove", bg='red' )
tkpack( fmMenu, expand=1, fill='both' )
scrX <- tkscrollbar( fmMenu, command=function(...) tkxview( tableData,
... ), orient="horizontal" )
scrY <- tkscrollbar( fmMenu, command=function(...) tkyview( tableData,
... ), orient="vertical" )
height <- -1; width <- -1
tableData <- tkwidget( fmMenu, "table", rows=50, cols=50,
titlerows=1, titlecols=1,
xscrollcommand=function(...) tkset( scrX, ... ),
yscrollcommand=function(...) tkset( scrY, ... ),
rowstretch='all', colstretch='all'
tkconfigure( tableData, multiline=0 )
tkgrid( tableData, scrY )
tkgrid.configure( scrY, sticky="nsw")
tkgrid( scrX, sticky="new" )
tclarray <- tclArray()
tkconfigure( tableData, variable=tclarray, selectmode="extended",
background="white" )
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