[R] Function calling a function, column name not passed properly

John Sorkin jsorkin at grecc.umaryland.edu
Wed Dec 2 03:45:54 CET 2015

David has  told me that my problem is because there is not column varscr
in my dataframe. I know this. My question is how can I modify my code so
that the second call to SmallFn will in fact access the column Wstscr
which does, in fact exist in the dataframe.
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> On Dec 1, 2015, at 2:57 PM, John Sorkin <jsorkin at
grecc.umaryland.edu> wrote:> > I am trying to write a function that
calls a function. The first call to SmallFn works without any problem,
printing both the passed data and the column Wstscr. The second call
does not work (error, Error in d[, column] : subscript out of bounds). >
> The first call shows what I am trying to do with the second call. I am
passing to the outer function doit12 the beginning of the name of the
column that I want to access (Wst). doit12 creates the full name of the
column (Wstscr) by using varxx <- deparse(susbstitute(variable)) and
varscr <- paste(varxx,"scr",sep=""). I can access the column in doit12
as seen by the results of   print(data[,varscr]).> > SmallFn works when
it is called using SmallFn(Wstscr,data), but fails when called with
SmallFn(varscr,data). I don't understand why the second call fails.
varscr was shown to represent Wstscr.> > Please tell my why the second
call is not working, please put me out of one-full day of misery!It’s
telling you there is no column in that dataframe with the name “varscr”.—

I am trying to write a function that calls a function. The first call to
SmallFn works without any problem, printing both the passed data and the
column Wstscr. The second call does not work (error, Error in d[,
column] : subscript out of bounds). 
The first call shows what I am trying to do with the second call. I am
passing to the outer function doit12 the beginning of the name of the
column that I want to access (Wst). doit12 creates the full name of the
column (Wstscr) by using varxx <- deparse(susbstitute(variable)) and
varscr <- paste(varxx,"scr",sep=""). I can access the column in doit12
as seen by the results of   print(data[,varscr]).
SmallFn works when it is called using SmallFn(Wstscr,data), but fails
when called with SmallFn(varscr,data). I don't understand why the second
call fails. varscr was shown to represent Wstscr.
Please tell my why the second call is not working, please put me out of
one-full day of misery!
Thank you,

mydata <- cbind(  
doit12 <-function(variable,data) {
  varxx <- deparse(substitute(variable))
  cat("varxx created from first deparse substitute=",varxx,"\n")
  varscr <- paste(varxx,"scr",sep="")
  cat("Data inside doit12\n")
  cat("Print the Wstscr column of data. varscr created using paste after
deparse substitute\n")
  SmallFn <- function(v,d) {
    cat("\nInside SmallFn\n")
    zz <-match.call()
    column <- deparse(substitute(v))
    cat("The results of match.call\n")
    print("Hello world!")

John David Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Medicine
Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
University of Maryland School of Medicine Division of Gerontology and
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John David Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Medicine
Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
University of Maryland School of MedicineBaltimore, MD 21201-1524
(Phone) 410-605-7119
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