[R] Running R in Server

Loris Bennett loris.bennett at fu-berlin.de
Tue Aug 18 16:28:19 CEST 2015

Swagato Chatterjee <swagato1987 at gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
> I have written a R script which runs a regression of a dataset and saves
> the result in a csv file.
> Now this dataset has to be edited periodically which is done in a server. I
> need to run the R script in a server so that the results can also be shared
> in a server and used in a web application.
> I have coded in R and have used R in windows. I have never used
> Ubuntu/Linux. Is there a step by step guide on how to run a R code in
> server?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Swagato

If you are lucky, you can just copy your script to the server and call

Rscript /path/to/your/r/script

on the linux command line.

However, you'll probably have to make sure that all the packages you
need are installed on the server.



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