[R] How to obtain the unique communities when plotting VENNs?

Krissey kristin.kaiser at web.de
Thu Aug 13 09:57:57 CEST 2015

Hey there guys.

I am having a question about Venn diagrams.
A colleague wrote a script based on the VennDiagram package a while ago,
that I was able to adapt for my data. I wanted a Venn for the soil bacterial
communities derived from forests of 4 different tree species.
It worked fine for me, however my question is: 

Is there a possibility to somehow obtain a list of the unique populations of
each of the for categories?

That's what the Venn looks like. Now I'd like to now the 426 community
members, that seem to be unique for beech forest, the 45 for pine, ect ect.
I feel like this is a tough call because of all the intersecting that had to
be done before. These are the Intersects:
N12 = InterSect(AKL_beech,AKL_oak)#(1,2)
N13 = InterSect(AKL_beech, AKL_pine)#(1,3)
N14 = InterSect(AKL_beech, AKL_spruce)#(1,4)
N23 = InterSect(AKL_oak,AKL_pine)#(2,3)
N24 = InterSect(AKL_oak,AKL_spruce)#(2,4)
N34 = InterSect(AKL_pine,AKL_spruce)#(3,4)
length(N234) - length(N1234)
N1234 = InterSect(N12,N34)
N123 = InterSect(N12,AKL_pine)
length(N123) - length(N1234)
N124 = InterSect(N12,AKL_spruce)
length(N124) - length(N1234)
N134 = InterSect(N13,AKL_spruce)
length(N134) - length(N1234)
N234 = InterSect(N23,AKL_spruce)

Does anyone has an idea how to do it? I'm completely at loss by now, since I
am also not a pro concerning R, or statistics.
I'd be happy to hear what you come up with.
Thanks so much in advance!

Best, Krissey

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