[R] cut variable within a loop
Janka Vanschoenwinkel
janka.vanschoenwinkel at uhasselt.be
Tue Aug 11 14:38:49 CEST 2015
Dear list members,
I have a loop where I want to do several calculations for different samples
and save the results for each sample. These samples are for each loop
different. I want to use the "i" in the loop to cut the samples.
So for instance:
- In loop 1 (i=1), I have a sample from 0-1 and a sample from 1-100.
- In loop 2 (i=2), I have a sample from 0-2 and a sample from 2-100.
- In loop 99 (i=99), I have a sample from 0-99 and a sample from 99-100.
I built the following function, but there is *a problem with the cut2
function* since it doesn't recognize the "i". Outside the lapply loop it
works, but not inside the loop.
Could somebody please help me with this problem? Thanks a lot!
o<-lapply(0:100, function(i){
Alldata_Rainfed<-subset(Alldata, irri == 0)
Alldata_Irrigation<-subset(Alldata, irri == 1)
#calculations per sample, then store all the values per i and per
variable in a dataframe: (the calculations are not shown in this example)
d[i, ] = c(MEt_Rainfed,MEp_Rainfed,MEt_Irrigation,MEp_Irrigation)
out<-as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, o))
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