[R] Clarification on Simulation and Iteration

Christopher Kelvin chris_kelvin2001 at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 1 05:41:04 CEST 2015

Thanks Dave.

What I actually want is to obtain say 10, different sets of (n=50) data for every 10,000 iterations I run. You will realise that the current code produces one set of data (n=50). I want 10 different sets of 50 observations at one run. I hope this makes sense.

Chris Guure 

On Saturday, August 1, 2015 3:32 AM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:

On Jul 31, 2015, at 6:36 PM, Christopher Kelvin via R-help wrote:

> Dear All,
> I am performing some simulations for a new model. I run about 10,000 iterations with a sample of 50 datasets and this returns one set of 50 simulated data. 
> Now, what I need to obtain is 10 sets of the 50 simulated data out of the 10,000 iterations and not just only 1 set.  The model is the Copas selection model for publication bias in Mete-analysis. Any one who knows this model has any suggestion for the improvement of my code is most welcome.
> Below is my code. 
> Kind regards
> Chris Guure
> University of Ghana
> install.packages("msm") 
> library(msm) 
> rho1=-0.3; tua=0.020; n=50; d=-0.2; rr=10000; a=-1.3; b=0.06 
> si<-rtnorm(n, mean=0, sd=1, lower=0, upper=0.2)# I used this to generate standard errors for each study 
> set.seed(21111)   ## I have stored the data and the output in this seed 
> for( i in 1:rr){ 
> mu<-rnorm(n,d,tua^2)              # prob. of each effect estimate 
> rho<-si*rho1/sqrt(tua^2 + si^2) # estimate of the correlation coefficient 
> mu0<- a + b/si       # mean of the truncated normal model (Copas selection model) 
> y1<-rnorm(mu,si^2)            # observed effects zise 
> z<-rnorm(mu0,1)               # selection model 
> rho2<-cor(y1, z) 
> select<-pnorm((mu0 + rho*(y1-mu)/sqrt(tua^2 + si^2))/sqrt(1-rho^2)) 
> probselect<-ifelse(select<z, y1, NA)# the prob that the study is selected 
> probselect 
> data<-data.frame(probselect,si)    # this contains both include and exclude data 
> data 
> data1<-data[complete.cases(data),] # Contains only the included data for analysis 
> data1 
> }

OK. The code runs without error. So .... what exactly is the problem? (I have no experience with the Copas selection model if in fact that is what is being exemplified.)


David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

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