[R] - Obtaining superscripts to affix to means that are not significantly different from each other with R

Joachim Audenaert Joachim.Audenaert at pcsierteelt.be
Thu Apr 23 11:57:56 CEST 2015

Hello all,

It is often time consuming to interpret p-values of multiple pairwise 
comparisons of groups and assign them a letter code for publication 
purposes. So I found this interesting link to a program that does this for 


I was wondering if something similar exists in R?

Met vriendelijke groeten - With kind regards,

Joachim Audenaert 
onderzoeker gewasbescherming - crop protection researcher

PCS | proefcentrum voor sierteelt - ornamental plant research

Schaessestraat 18, 9070 Destelbergen, België
T: +32 (0)9 353 94 71 | F: +32 (0)9 353 94 95
E: joachim.audenaert at pcsierteelt.be | W: www.pcsierteelt.be   

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