[R] R crashes upon changing directories, loading files, etc.

Nicole Ford nicole.ford at me.com
Mon Apr 6 20:14:11 CEST 2015


I am experiencing an issue, repeatedly, which began today.  

Example code:

load(file.choose())  ##sometimes it crashes here/ endless spinner/ other times I can get through.

or: i go up to options at the top to set wd, or select ‘file’ -> ‘open’ and it will do the same thing.

I found a page where people were indicating they had this issue, but there was no one responding with a fix.  see below:


I am running :

R version 3.1.3 (2015-03-09) -- "Smooth Sidewalk"
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
On OS X 10.10

Any help/ direction is appreciated.

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