[R] need help

Ujjwal Kumar ujjwalsinha00 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 20 08:52:28 CEST 2014

I have the datafram like "fxmale"

       x       y         D.fx         D.nc        D.sum1 445350
2463450 1.046935e-06 0.0002627856 0.00026383262 445350 2463950
1.314861e-06 0.0002618268 0.00026314163 445350 2464450 1.435987e-06
0.0002627193 0.00026415534 445350 2464950 1.362894e-06 0.0002652938
0.00026665675 445350 2465450 1.122175e-06 0.0002690738 0.00027019606
445350 2465950 7.998899e-07 0.0002734074 0.0002742073

when I am trying to export as csv I am getting only the first two columns
(x & y) not others columns. This is the structure of the data.

> str(fxmale)
Classes ‘Dsurface’, ‘mask’ and 'data.frame':    5735 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ x: int  445350 445350 445350 445350 445350 445350 445350 445350
445350 445350 ...
 $ y: int  2463450 2463950 2464450 2464950 2465450 2465950 2470950
2471450 2471950 2472450 ...
 - attr(*, "covariates")='data.frame':  5735 obs. of  3 variables:
  ..$ D.fx : num  1.05e-06 1.31e-06 1.44e-06 1.36e-06 1.12e-06 ...
  ..$ D.nc : num  0.000263 0.000262 0.000263 0.000265 0.000269 ...
  ..$ D.sum: num  0.000264 0.000263 0.000264 0.000267 0.00027 ...
 - attr(*, "type")= chr "user"
 - attr(*, "meanSD")='data.frame':      2 obs. of  2 variables:
  ..$ x: num  475535 17942
  ..$ y: num  2458930 10937
 - attr(*, "area")= num 25
 - attr(*, "spacing")= num 500
 - attr(*, "boundingbox")='data.frame': 4 obs. of  2 variables:
  ..$ x: num  445100 507600 507600 445100
  ..$ y: num  2434700 2434700 2483700 2483700
  ..- attr(*, "out.attrs")=List of 2
  .. ..$ dim     : Named int  2 2
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr  "x" "y"
  .. ..$ dimnames:List of 2
  .. .. ..$ x: chr  "x=445100" "x=507600"
  .. .. ..$ y: chr  "y=2434700" "y=2483700"

can any body help me???

with regards
Ujjwal Kumar
*Research Fellow*
Project: "Monitoring Source Population of Tigers in Kanha Tiger Reserve"
Wildlife Institute of India
mobile: +91 9808712591(Dehradun)
                +919407344453  (Kanha)

   P.O. Box 18 Chandrabani
  Dehradun (Uttarakhand) 248001

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