[R] Pseudo R squared for quantile regression with replicates

Donia Smaali Bouhlila sma.ali at fsjegj.rnu.tn
Thu Sep 18 16:53:50 CEST 2014


I am a new user of r software. I intend to do quantile regressions with 
complex survey data using replicate method. I have ran the following 
commands successfully:

bootdesign <- as.svrepdesign(mydesign,type="auto",replicates=150)


I want get the pseudo R squared but I failed. I read a query dating from 
August 2006, [R] Pseudo R for Quant Reg and the answer to it:

rho <- function(u,tau=.5)u*(tau - (u < 0))
  V <- sum(rho(f$resid, f$tau))

  I copied it and paste it , replacing f by fit I get this error message:
Error in fit$resid : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors, I don't 
know what it means

The fit object is likely to be quite complicated  I used str() to see 
what it looks like:

str (fit)
Class 'svrepstat'  atomic [1:19] 713.24 -24.01 -18.37 9.05 7.71 ...
   ..- attr(*, "var")= num [1:19, 1:19] 2839.3 10.2 -122.1 -332.4 -42.3 
   .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "(Intercept)" "Female" "Age" "calculator" ...
   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "(Intercept)" "Female" "Age" "calculator" ...
   .. ..- attr(*, "means")= Named num [1:19] 710.97 -24.03 -18.3 9.39 
7.58 ...
   .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "(Intercept)" "Female" "Age" 
"calculator" ...
   ..- attr(*, "statistic")= chr "theta"

How can I retrieve the residuals?? and calculate the pseudo R squared??

Any help please

Dr. Donia Smaali Bouhlila
Department of Economics
Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion de Tunis

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