[R] gplot heatmaps: clustering according to rowsidecolors + key.xtickfun

Gregory R. Warnes greg at warnes.net
Wed Sep 17 23:12:24 CEST 2014

Hello Tim,

Sorry about the slow response, I just found this message.

On Sep 4, 2014, at 9:23 AM, Tim Richter-Heitmann <trichter at uni-bremen.de> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I have two questions about heatmap.2 in gplot.
> My input is a simple square matrix with numeric values between 75 and 100 (it is a similarity matrix based on bacterial DNA sequences).
> 1. I can sort my input matrix into categories with rowsidecolors (in this case, very conveniently by bacterial taxa). I do a clustering and reordering of my matrix by Rowv=TRUE (and Colv="Rowv").
> The question is now, can i combine the two features that the clustering/reordering is done only for submatrices defined by the vectors given in rowsidecolors (so, in this case, that the original ordering by bacterial taxa is preserved)?
> That would be very amazing.

Hmm.    To get the individual species clustered within taxa would require doing the hierarchical clustering first separately, then combining the dendrograms.  This should do the trick:


## Dummy Distances
x <- matrix( rnorm(400, mean=87.5, sd=12.5/4), ncol=20)

## Dummy Taxa
taxa <- sample(letters[1:4], 20, replace=T)
taxa <- as.factor(taxa)

# sort the data by taxa
ord <- order(taxa)

x <- x[ord, ord]
taxa <- taxa[ord]
rownames(x) <- 1:nrow(x)

# stats:::merge.dendrogram is broken.  This is the corrected version.
# See R BUG 15648
# (https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=15648) for
# details
merge.dendrogram <- function(x, y, ..., height) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x,"dendrogram"), inherits(y,"dendrogram"))

  ### FIX
  inx.add <- function(inx, add) {
    if(is.leaf(inx)) {
      inx <- inx + add
  y <- dendrapply(y,  inx.add, add=max(unlist(x)))
  ### FIX

  r <- list(x,y)
  if(length(xtr <- list(...))) {
    if(!all(is.d <- vapply(xtr, inherits, NA, what="dendrogram"))) {
        xpr <- substitute(c(...))
        nms <- sapply(xpr[-1][!is.d], deparse, nlines = 1L)
        ## do not simplify: xgettext needs this form
        msg <- ngettext(length(nms),
                        "extra argument %s is not of class \"%s\"",
                        "extra arguments %s are not of class \"%s\"s")
        stop(sprintf(msg, paste(nms, collapse=", "), "dendrogram"),
             domain = NA)
    ## <GRW>
    for(i in 1:length(xtr))
            add <- max(c(unlist(r), unlist(xtr)))
            xtr[[i]] <- dendrapply(xtr[[i]], inx.add, add=add)
    ## </GRW>
    r <- c(r, xtr)
  attr(r, "members") <- sum(vapply(r, attr, 0L, which="members"))
  h.max <- max(vapply(r, attr, 0., which="height"))
  if(missing(height) || is.null(height))
    height <- 1.1 * h.max
  else if(height < h.max) {
    msg <- gettextf("'height' must be at least %g, the maximal height of its components", h.max)
    stop(msg, domain = NA)
  attr(r, "height") <- height
  class(r) <- "dendrogram"
  midcache.dendrogram(r, quiet=TRUE)

## Compute dendrograms within each taxum, then merge into a combined dendrogram
dendList <- list()
for( taxon in levels(taxa) )
        items <- which(taxon==taxa)
        submatrix <- x[ items, items]
        dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(submatrix)))
        dendList[[taxon]] <- dend
names(dendList) <- NULL
dends <- do.call("merge.dendrogram", dendList)

## Now generate the heatmap

> 2. I have set my own coloring rules with:
> mypal <- c("grey","blue", "green","yellow","orange","red")
> col_breaks = c(seq(0,74.9), seq(75.0,78.4), seq(78.5,81.9), seq(82.0,86.4), seq(86.5, 94.5),  seq(94.5,100.0))
> Is it possible to pass this sequential ordering to key.xtickfun? May i ask for an example code?

Use the ‘breaks’ and ‘col’ arguements:

## Custom color key
mypal      <- c("grey","blue", "green","yellow","orange","red")
col_breaks <- c(0,75.0,78.5,82.0,86.5,94.5,100.0)



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