[R] CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
cranatic at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 00:40:06 CEST 2014
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* cmvnorm (1.0)
Maintainer: Robin Hankin
Author(s): Robin K. S. Hankin
License: GPL-2
various utilities for the complex multivariate Gaussian distribution
* couchDB (1.3.0)
Maintainer: Aleksander Dietrichson
Author(s): Aleksander Dietrichson
License: AGPL-3
Interface to couchDB
* eegkit (1.0-0)
Maintainer: Nathaniel E. Helwig
Author(s): Nathaniel E. Helwig <helwig at umn.edu>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Analysis and visualization tools for electroencephalography (EEG)
data. Includes functions for plotting (a) EEG caps, (b) single- and
multi-channel EEG time courses, and (c) EEG spatial maps. Also
includes smoothing and Independent Component Analysis functions for
EEG data analysis.
* eegkitdata (1.0)
Maintainer: Nathaniel E. Helwig
Author(s): Nathaniel E. Helwig <helwig at umn.edu>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Contains the example EEG data used in the package eegkit. Also
contains code for easily creating larger EEG datasets from the EEG
Database on the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
* ForwardSearch (1.0)
Maintainer: Bent Nielsen
Author(s): Bent Nielsen
License: GPL-3
Forward Search analysis of time series regressions. Implements the
asymptotic theory developed in Johansen and Nielsen (2013, 2014).
* FRESA.CAD (1.0)
Maintainer: Jose Gerardo Tamez-Pena
Author(s): Jose Gerardo Tamez-Pena
License: LGPL (>= 2)
FRESA.CAD provides a set of functions and feature selection algorithms
for building Computer Aided Diagnosis Models
* funFEM (1.0)
Maintainer: Charles Bouveyron
Author(s): Charles Bouveyron
License: GPL-2
The funFEM algorithm (Bouveyron et al., 2014) allows to cluster
functional data by modeling the curves within a common and
discriminative functional subspace.
* funHDDC (1.0)
Maintainer: Charles Bouveyron
Author(s): C. Bouveyron & J. Jacques
License: GPL-2
The package provides the funHDDC algorithm (Bouveyron & Jacques, 2011)
which allows to cluster functional data by modeling each group
within a specific functional subspace.
* gapmap (0.0.1)
Maintainer: Ryo Sakai
Author(s): Ryo Sakai
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
The gap encodes the distance between clusters and improves
interpretation of cluster heatmaps. The gaps can be of the same
distance based on a height threshold to cut the dendrogram. Another
option is to vary the size of gaps based on the distance between
* GENLIB (1.0)
Maintainer: Marie-Helene Roy-Gagnon
Author(s): Louis Houde, Jean-Francois Lefebvre, Valery Roy-Lagace, Sebastien
License: GPL (>= 2)
Takes genealogical data frames and calculates different demographic
variables such as genetic contribution, kinship, etc...
* lefse (0.1)
Maintainer: Nathan G. Swenson
Author(s): Nathan G. Swenson
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
Utilizing phylogenetic and functional information for the analyses of
ecological datasets. The analyses include methods for quantifying
the phylogenetic and functional diversity of assemblages.
* lunar (0.1-04)
Maintainer: Emmanuel Lazaridis
Author(s): Emmanuel Lazaridis [aut, cre]
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Provides functions to calculate lunar and other environmental
* micropan (1.0)
Maintainer: Lars Snipen
Author(s): Lars Snipen and Kristian Hovde Liland
License: GPL-2
A collection of functions for computations and visualizations of
microbial pan-genomes.
* nettools (1.0.1)
Maintainer: Michele Filosi
Author(s): Michele Filosi [aut, cre], Roberto Visintainer [aut], Samantha
Riccadonna [aut], Giuseppe Jurman [ctb], Cesare
Furlanello [ctb]
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
A collection of network inference methods for co-expression networks,
quantitative network distances and a novel framework for network
stability analysis.
* RDML (0.4-2)
Maintainer: Konstantin A. Blagodatskikh
Author(s): Konstantin A. Blagodatskikh [cre, aut], Stefan Roediger [aut], Michal
Burdukiewicz [aut]
License: GPL (>= 2)
Imports real-time thermo cycler (qPCR) data from RDML format files and
transforms to the appropriate formats of the 'qpcR' and 'chipPCR'
* saery (1.0)
Maintainer: Agustin Perez Martin
Author(s): Maria Dolores Esteban Lefler, Domingo Morales Gonzalez, Agustin Perez
License: GPL-2
A complete set of functions to calculate several EBLUP (Empirical Best
Linear Unbiased Predictor) estimators and their mean squared errors.
All estimators are based on an area-level linear mixed model
introduced by Rao and Yu in 1994 (see documentation). The REML
method is used for fitting this model.
* slackr (1.2)
Maintainer: Bob Rudis
Author(s): Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr) & Jay Jacobs (@jayjacobs)
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Slackr contains functions that make it possible to interact with
Slack.com messaging platform. When you need to share
information/data from R, rather than resort to copy/paste in e-mails
or other services like Skype, you can use this package to send
well-formatted output from multiple R objects and expressions to all
teammates at the same time with little effort. You can also send
images from the current graphics device, R objects (as RData), and
upload files.
* tlm (0.1.2)
Maintainer: Jose Barrera-Gomez
Author(s): Jose Barrera-Gomez and Xavier Basagana
License: GPL (>= 2)
Computation of effects under linear, logistic and Poisson regression
models with transformed variables. Logarithm and power
transformations are allowed. Effects can be displayed both
numerically and graphically in both the original and the transformed
space of the variables.
* treatSens (1.0)
Maintainer: "Nicole Bohme Carnegie"
Author(s): Nicole Bohme Carnegie, Masataka Harada, Jennifer Hill
License: GPL-2
Utilities to investigate sensitivity to unmeasured confounding in
parametric models with either binary or continuous treatment.
* vcrpart (0.2-1)
Maintainer: Reto Buergin
Author(s): Reto Buergin [aut, cre, cph], Gilbert Ritschard [ctb, ths]
License: GPL (>= 2)
Recursive partitioning algorithm for varying coefficient generalized
linear models and ordinal 2-stage linear mixed models. Special
features are coefficient-wise partitioning, non-varying coefficients
and partitioning of time-varying variables in longitudinal ordinal
Updated packages
anacor (1.0-5), astro (1.2), BMA (3.18), bpkde (1.0-7), caTools
(1.17.1), catR (3.2), DatABEL (0.9-5), dismo (1.0-5), doBy (4.5-11),
easyanova (4.0), emulator (1.2-15), FastPCS (0.1.0), FastRCS (0.0.4),
fcros (1.2), fpc (2.1-8), gdsfmt (1.1.0), geepack (1.2-0), geosphere
(1.3-11), GGMselect (0.1-9), glmmLasso (1.3.3), glmmLasso (1.3.2), HH
(3.1-5), Hmisc (3.14-5), hwriter (1.3.2), iBATCGH (1.1), ibd (1.2),
intsvy (1.4), investr (1.1.1), isotone (1.0-2), Lahman (3.0-1), lcmm
(1.6.6), MarkedPointProcess (0.2.22), meta (3.8-0), mmcm (1.2-5),
Mobilize (2.16-4), MODISTools (0.94.4), MTurkR (0.5.1), ngspatial
(1.0-4), Ohmage (2.11-4), OjaNP (0.9-8), operators (0.1-7), partykit
(0.8-2), partykit (0.8-1), pbkrtest (0.4-1), PReMiuM (3.0.29), PReMiuM
(3.0.30), rChoiceDialogs (1.0.6), RcmdrPlugin.EBM (1.0-8),
RcmdrPlugin.IPSUR (0.2-1), recosystem (0.2.3), recosystem (0.2.4), rgl
(0.94.1131), RGraphics (2.0-12), seewave (1.7.6), segmented (0.5-0.0),
Sim.DiffProc (2.9), SimComp (2.2), snpEnrichment (1.4-1), spam
(1.0-1), synbreed (0.10-2), TAM (1.0-3.18-1), taxize (0.4.0), TripleR
(1.4), VennDiagram (1.6.8), xtable (1.7-4)
New reviews
* XLConnect, by tim_lindgren
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