[R] simulation data in SEM

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Sun Sep 14 18:37:44 CEST 2014

On Sep 14, 2014, at 8:48 AM, Don McKenzie wrote:

> cc’ing to list, as requested in the posting guide, so that others  
> may be able to help you.
> On Sep 14, 2014, at 8:45 AM, thanoon younis <thanoon.younis80 at gmail.com 
> > wrote:
>> Thank you very much for your reply
>> the output is
>>> #Do simulation for 100 replications
>>> N<-1000; P<-10
>>> phi<-matrix(data=c(1.0,0.3,0.3,1.0),ncol=2) #The covariance matrix  
>>> of xi
>>> Ro<-matrix(data=c(7.0,2.1,2.1,7.0), ncol=2)
>>> yo<-matrix(data=NA,nrow=N,ncol=P) p<-numeric(P); v<-numeric(P)
>> Error: unexpected symbol in "yo<-matrix(data=NA,nrow=N,ncol=P) p"

Almost any time you see an error message that says " : unexpected  
_something_" it means you submitted a malformed expression to the  
interpreter that was missing a paren or a bracket or a comma or  
_something_.  You always need to go back to the left of where the  
error was discovered. In this case you are missing a semicolon about  

yo<-matrix(data=NA,nrow=N,ncol=P) p<-numeric(P); v<-numeric(P)


>>> for (t in 1:100) {
>> +     #Generate the data for the simulation study
>> +     for (i in 1:N) {
>> +         #Generate xi
>> +         xi<-mvrnorm(1,mu=c(0,0),phi)
>> +         #Generate the fixed covariates
>> +         co<-rnorm(1,0,1)


David Winsemius, MD
Alameda, CA, USA

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