[R] Injecting a column of characters to a matrix of numerics

Steven Yen syen04 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 16:41:39 CET 2014

I am designing a regression printout, which works out nicely. Then, I 
try to inject a column of characters to indicate a discrete regressor 
with a dot (.). Then, all numbers seem to turn into characters, in 
quotations. Is there a way to do this right? Below, I show the lines 
of codes before and after. Thanks.
Steven Yen

             estimates     s.e. |t-value|  p-value
(Intercept)  0.223263 0.146167  1.527459 0.127173
sex          0.049830 0.039612  1.257973 0.208890
age         -0.070423 0.029539  2.384035 0.017433
yrmarry      0.015567 0.005298  2.938126 0.003429
children     0.060525 0.044778  1.351659 0.176993
religius    -0.053128 0.014413  3.686260 0.000248
educ         0.003226 0.008453  0.381636 0.702866
occu         0.003915 0.011860  0.330147 0.741404
rating      -0.077856 0.014466  5.381925 0.000000

out<-round(cbind(me,se,t,p),digits); out<-cbind(out,disc)

(Intercept) "0.223263"  "0.146167" "1.527459" "0.127173" ""
sex         "0.04983"   "0.039612" "1.257973" "0.20889"  "."
age         "-0.070423" "0.029539" "2.384035" "0.017433" ""
yrmarry     "0.015567"  "0.005298" "2.938126" "0.003429" ""
children    "0.060525"  "0.044778" "1.351659" "0.176993" "."
religius    "-0.053128" "0.014413" "3.68626"  "0.000248" ""
educ        "0.003226"  "0.008453" "0.381636" "0.702866" ""
occu        "0.003915"  "0.01186"  "0.330147" "0.741404" ""
rating      "-0.077856" "0.014466" "5.381925" "0"        ""

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