[R] R Markdown and scan()

John Fox jfox at mcmaster.ca
Sat Oct 25 16:43:49 CEST 2014

Dear JJ and list members,

I wonder whether it's possible to get scan() to read in-line data in an R Markdown document. The following code, for example, works (of course) when entered in the R console but fails in an R block in an R Markdown document (using an up-to-date version of RStudio):

x <- scan()
1 2 3
4 5 6


I'm aware of a couple of work-arounds, such as putting the data in a file or a character string (as below), but am interested in whether it's possible to get this to work directly.

text <- "
1 2 3
4 5 6
(x <- scan(file=textConnection(text)))

Any help would be appreciated.


John Fox, Professor
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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