[R] Count number of Fridays in a month

Abhinaba Roy abhinabaroy09 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 13:28:12 CEST 2014

Hi R helpers,

I want to write a function which will

1. Count the number of fridays in the current month ( to extract month from
given date) and also the number of fridays in the preceeding month

2. Calculate the ratio of the number of fridays in current month to the
number of fridays in the precceding month

3. Return a integer value calculated as

The date which is passed is in the format *'31-may-2014'*

So, given the date '31-may-2014'

Number of fridays in May2014 = 5
Number of fridays in Apr2014 = 4

Ratio = 5/4 >1
Hence, the function will return a value 1

I want to call the function by passing '31-may-2014' as an argument

How can this be done in R?

Any help will be appreciated

Thanks and regards,

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