[R] How to use ggplot2

jarod_v6 at libero.it jarod_v6 at libero.it
Wed Nov 26 18:04:21 CET 2014

Dear All!!
I'll try to plot a barplot using aggplot2

  as.factor.data...7..    Col ColMat  Fastq  miseq
1                  189    158    158    158    104
2                  190  54272  54272  54272  32122
3                  191 301574 301574 301574 152625
4                  192 161620 161620 161620 100469
5                  193  61263  61263  61263  38109
6                  194  83800  83800  83800  40095
p<- ggplot(data = alt, aes(y = alt[,2]))  +  geom_bar() 

Error : Mapping a variable to y and also using stat="bin".
  With stat="bin", it will attempt to set the y value to the count of cases in each group.
  This can result in unexpected behavior and will not be allowed in a future version of ggplot2.
  If you want y to represent counts of cases, use stat="bin" and don't map a variable to y.
  If you want y to represent values in the data, use stat="identity".
  See ?geom_bar for examples. (Defunct; last used in version 0.9.2)
How can resolve this problem?
My data are in column: each columns are conditions and each row rappresnt a sample
thanks for your help!

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