[R] How do I extract single entries from a factor?

Aditya Singh aps6dl at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 22 08:12:24 CET 2014

Dear Boris and R-Experts,

I have a variable my_state which is a 2-letter character string telling which American state the user inputs. This I am do a if(identical(database entry,my_state)) to check for occurrences in the database.

The problem is that the database entry[i,j] shows as a factor with various levels, e.g. the output when I do class(database[i,j])is:

[1] "TX" 
AL.. levels through WY

How do I convert a factor into a character?


On Saturday, November 22, 2014 12:40 AM, Boris Steipe <boris.steipe at utoronto.ca> wrote:
Seems to me you probably wanted a "while" in line 4.

N.b.  There's also a missing "}" and totally messed up formatting :-(


On Nov 21, 2014, at 1:19 PM, Aditya Singh <aps6dl at yahoo.com> wrote:

> 1 my_min= min(outcome_data[which(outcome_data$State==my_state),11],na.rm=TRUE) 
> 2 print(my_min) 
> 3 jkr=0 
> 4 if (jkr<= 4706) {jkr=jkr+1 
> 5 if (identical(outcome_data[jkr,11],my_min) && identical(outcome_data[jkr,7],my_state)) { 
> 6 print((outcome_data[jkr,2])) 
> 7 break 
> 8 } 
> Dear Experts,
> My computer is never 'inside' of  the if condition at line 5, as jkr=0 always. my_min is a numeric. my_state is a 2 letter American State (character).
> This code gives NULL as output. Wondering!
> Its either very obvious or I am very dumb.
> Please do do reply!
> Aditya
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