[R] hi

Cox Lwaka clwaka at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 13 11:50:28 CET 2014

I have a bit of trouble here to program in r. I am anew user but i really enjoy working with it.I have a large number of variables in a matrix that are arranged sequentially on a line (chromosome). This order has to be maintained whatsoever. I am to develop an r algorithm that will develop groups as follows;i) Calculate the correlation between successive variables and correlation matrix for all the variables
ii) if r(i) is the maximum correlation coefficient in the successive variable correlation then my first group has variables [x(i-k ), ...x(i),... x(i+k )]. this gives me group one of size 2k+1. note that variables are picked on that line and order is maintained.iii) we check for remaining correlation btn successive variables relative to the bigger correlation matrix and select  other groups. these groups don't need to be of same size and they must not overlap.i will have divided in to disjoint groups but maintaining the order.kindly assist me see how i can get this done, thanks

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