[R] Smoothed HR for interaction term in coxph model
Andrews, Chris
chrisaa at med.umich.edu
Fri May 30 14:43:42 CEST 2014
Please include example data in the future. Perhaps the following is useful.
(1) Your model is redundant. The "*" produces both main effects and the interaction. So I removed the main effects from your call
(2) For my simulated data, the df=0 option chose a model that resulted in a singular fit. I selected a smoother spline (df=2).
(3) the two plots at the end show (1) the risk (exp(linear predictor)) for combinations of "CONTINUOUS" and "DICHOTOMOUS" and (2) a ratio (risk for A vs risk for B), which I think is what you wanted.
nn <- 1000
datanew2 <- data.frame(my.surv = Surv(rexp(nn)), DICHOTOMOUS=factor(rep(c("A","B"), nn/2)), CONTINUOUS=rnorm(nn))
#surv.fit <- coxph(my.surv ~ pspline(CONTINUOUS, df=0) + factor(DICHOTOMOUS) + pspline(CONTINUOUS, df=0) * factor(DICHOTOMOUS), data=datanew2)
#surv.fit <- coxph(my.surv ~ pspline(CONTINUOUS, df=0) * factor(DICHOTOMOUS), data=datanew2)
surv.fit <- coxph(my.surv ~ pspline(CONTINUOUS, df=2) * factor(DICHOTOMOUS), data=datanew2)
xseq <- seq(-3, 3, length=100)
predictions <- matrix(predict(surv.fit, newdata=expand.grid(CONTINUOUS=xseq, DICHOTOMOUS=factor(c("A","B"))), type="risk"), ncol=2)
matplot(predictions, type="l")
plot(xseq, predictions[,1]/predictions[,2], type="l", ylab="Hazard Ratio of Event (A vs B)", xlab="CONTINUOUS")
-----Original Message-----
From: Lynn Dunsire [mailto:lynn at contrastconsultancy.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 6:03 AM
To: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: [R] Smoothed HR for interaction term in coxph model
Hello R-help members,
I have a dataset with 2 treatments and want to assess the effect of a
continous covariate on the Hazard ratio between treatment A and B. I want a
smoothed interaction term which I have modelled below with the following
surv.fit <- coxph(my.surv ~ pspline(CONTINUOUS, df=0) + factor(DICHOTOMOUS)
+ pspline(CONTINUOUS, df=0)*factor(DICHOTOMOUS), data = datanew2)
and consequently I would like to obtain a smoothed plot of the hazard ratio
between treatment A and B on the y-axis with the continuous covariate on the
x-axis. As termplot ignores interaction terms, I was wondering if anyone
has seen anything like this before and can advise on the best way to do it.
Many thanks in advance for any help that you can offer,
Kind regards,
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