[R] solution for r-help to the problem of yahoo addresses bouncing?

Jannis bt_jannis at yahoo.de
Mon May 19 09:54:49 CEST 2014

Hi David,

thanks for your reply.

On 16.05.2014 23:07, David Winsemius wrote:
> On May 16, 2014, at 2:25 AM, Jannis wrote:
>> Hi R users,
>> I suspect this is due to yahoo recently changing its handling of DMARC policies.
> Yes. It is due to ISP bounces coming back to the ETHZ server. You do not say what you did with the rest of the message. Did you click on the re-enable hyperlink? About 250 people were recently forcibly unsubscribed on the same day, mostly with yahoo, gmail, or hotmail addresses,  because they had failed to re-enable their subscriptions. (This action by the mailserver filled up the mailboxes of all the moderators.)

I reenabled the mailadress at least 5 times at different times after the 
original reminder so I suspect this may not permanently solve the issue.

>> Is there anything I can do from my side to change this? Or is the only solution to change the mail provider?
> Seek out methods of putting r-help on your whitemail list. Please do not ask me to describe this for you further. That is your and your ISP's responsibility to sort out.

There seems to be no indivdual whitelist for yahoo. I am no expert on 
these issues but as far as i understand it has more to do with the list 
mails not originating from the senders IP range. You are right that you 
(or the people hosting the list) are not responsible for all the 
individual receivers ISP setting, but in the yahoo case the information 
on these webpages  may solve the issue:


I personally, however, can not fill in these forms.

Sorry for the hassle! If this issue prevails I will certainly contact 
the yahoo people to change the way they deal with mailing lists or just 
change the ISP.


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