[R] Help conduction Egger's test

Michael Dewey info at aghmed.fsnet.co.uk
Tue May 13 18:24:53 CEST 2014

At 19:02 12/05/2014, Sultan Malik wrote:
>I am currently conducting a meta analyses and wish to carry out 
>Egger's test. I was just wondering, does the weighted linear 
>regression model proposed by Egger et al correspond to the "weighted 
>regression with multiplicative dispersion" option in Metafor?

Dear Sultan

One thing I would suggest is to also use the ranktest function. In my 
experience they can give different results. You also need to look at 
the funnel plot of course and bear in mind that none of these methods 
is very satisfactory unless you have quite a number of fairly 
homogenous studies to synthesise.

>Many thanks

Michael Dewey
info at aghmed.fsnet.co.uk

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