[R] How to change the font size on the title of a xyplot

Greg Johnson` greg at nosnhoj.org
Sun May 11 00:05:12 CEST 2014

Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes <emammendes <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Hello
> I am using xyplot (lattice) to plot a xts variable.  There are 20 variables 
within the xts variable (index by a
> datetime vector sampled every 1 minute).  The results are very nice and help 
me to understand what is going
> on with the data. However since the names (labels of each variable) within 
the xts variable are large, the
> title of each plot is cropped.   How can I select the font size of the 
titles without changing all other fonts?
> Many thanks
> Ed


you can try:

xyplot( y~x, main=list("title",cex=somevalue ) )


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