[R] Tobit model with panel data

phil quijote at gmx.net
Fri May 2 02:56:36 CEST 2014

Hi Arne,

thanks a lot for your reply, it was really helpful!

Now, after having managed to apply the censReg to my data, I get the
following error message when I enter the command "summary()":

Error in printCoefmat(coef(x, logSigma = logSigma), digits = digits) : 
  'x' must be coefficient matrix/data frame

What does that mean? Actually, I fear that maybe the number of observations
(total: 52; uncensored: 48) is too small. Is that possible?

View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Tobit-model-with-panel-data-tp4689760p4689846.html
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