[R] lattice change font of one specific axis label in each panel

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Thu Mar 27 22:51:42 CET 2014

On Mar 27, 2014, at 2:34 PM, David Winsemius wrote:

> On Mar 27, 2014, at 8:11 AM, el_alisio wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> thanks for the advice! The code is now reproducible. Sorry!
> No, it is not, since you can only read it on Nabble, yecch. There is some sort of weird format stuff that Nabble does that prevents code from appearing on Rhelp copies.
>> Actually I wanted to print only one x-label ("All Postdoctorates") in bold
>> face, not all of them. This would be easily achieved, if "All
>> Postdoctorates" appeared always in the same row of each panel, but this is
>> not the case here.
p1 <- dotplot(prop.table(postdoc, margin = 1), groups = FALSE,
             xlab = "Proportion", layout = c(1, 5), aspect = 0.6,
             scales = list(y = list(relation = "free", rot = 0) ), 
             prepanel = function(x, y) {
               list(ylim = levels(reorder(y, x)))
             panel = function(x, y, ...) {
               panel.dotplot(x, reorder(y, x), ...)
       yscale.components = function(...){
             temp <- yscale.components.default(...)
              loc <- temp$left$labels$at
               # print( removed debugging print line
               temp$left$labels$labels <-  
                     sapply( temp$left$labels$labels, 
                              function(x) if(grepl("All", x)){
                                   as.expression(bquote( bold(.(x)))) 
             temp }

I suppose taking out the debugging code might be wise, see above. I had previously emailed Deepayan to inquire why `bquote` expressions would not succeed in lattice without applying a further `as.expression` and he said he that what was returned from `bquote` wasn't really an R expression, but rather an unevaluated call. I thought I should be able to get this to work but if failed to apply the blding but tit did print the labels:

                             function(x) if(grepl("All", x)){
+                                    substitute( bold(x), list(x=x)) 
+                                          }else{ 
+                                    substitute( x, list(x=x))} 

David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

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