[R] survreg and predict probability of failure

Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. therneau at mayo.edu
Mon Mar 17 13:25:42 CET 2014

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I am fitting a weibull model as follows
my models is

s <- Surv(DFBR$Time,DFBR$Censor)

wei <- survreg(s~Group+UsefulLife,data = DFBR,dist="weibull")

How can i predict the probabilty of failure in next 10 days, for a new data with group =10 
and usefuleLife =100

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You need to create the cumulative failure curve:

  scurve <- predict(wei, newdata=data.frame(Group=10, UsefulLife=100), type="quantile",
	    p=seq(.1, .9, length=9))
  plot(scurve, seq(.1, .9, length=9), type='b')

This will give you the time points at which 10%, 20%, ..90% of the units are expected to 
fail.  If you want more precision repeat the process to "zero in" on the quantiles that 
are close to your time point.

Terry Therneau

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