[R] pglm: probit random model
alfonso.carfora at uniparthenope.it
alfonso.carfora at uniparthenope.it
Fri Mar 21 16:39:10 CET 2014
Hi all,
I'm using pglm package to estimate a static random probit model of the type:
Yi,t = B1X1i,t-k +... + BzXzi,t-k + Ci+ Ui,t
Where Yi={0,1} and all explenatory variables are continuous.
the function I use is:
pglm(formula,, Data, family = binomial(probit), model =
"random",method= "bfgs")
Can I test the exogeneity and zero correlation between the explanatory
variables and ci? Or the function carries in an approach (as
Mundlak-Chamberlain) to overcome the endogeneity between regressors
and effects?
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