[R] software "R"

Rui Barradas ruipbarradas at sapo.pt
Tue Mar 11 11:06:32 CET 2014


It's better if you send the questions to R-help at r-project.org, the odds 
of you getting more and better answers are greater.

As for your questions, see inline.

Em 10-03-2014 23:34, agustin purciariello escreveu:
> Good night Rui,
> I´m in the mailing list of R help. i recently sent an email to the group
> with some rookie questions, but i think i did something wrong because an
> automatic email was sent to me saying that it was an error or something
> like that.
> In the forum i saw you know a lot about the programm and you are very
> active in helping, so if it is not too much bother to you, i copy what i
> posted and maybe you can help me please.
> Thanks a lot!! best regards,
> Agustín.
> "Good night,
> i'm new in R and i have two questions, i hope someone could help me please:
> 1) For example if i put alfa<-X*Y, is there any way that when i put "run
> line on selection" (or ctrl+R) the result
> appears without having to write again "alfa" and then again "run line on
> selection" to see the result?

You can write the expression between parenthesis to have the result printed.

(alfa <- X*Y)

> 2) When i select a column vector, for example Y<-datos[,2]  ("datos" is
> in spanish, it means "data"), R doesnt
> recognize that column as a vector; if i put dim(Y) it says "null".

Yes, Y <- datos[, 2] creates a vector, but it doesn't have  'dim' attribute

> i do is to transplant the variable twice and put Y<-t(t(Y)), and then R
> recognize the column as a vector. Is there a way to make R recognize the
> vectors as vector in a first place (and avoid to do what i do)?

Instead of dim(Y) can't you use length(Y)?

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas
> Many many thanks and sorry for my english!
> Agustín"

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