[R] (no subject)

Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us
Tue Jun 24 16:52:34 CEST 2014

Reproducibility == good (except for mixing in invalid code and failing to 
set RNG seed)
HTML email == bad
Missing subject == bad
Using matrices with ggplot == pushing a rope
Using for loops to build a ggplot == missing the point
Using wide-form data with ggplot == pushing a rope

Study the following (the str() function is your friend, and learning how 
factors work will help you map colors where you want them in more 
complicated examples):

xaxis <- rnorm( 30 ) + 10
mydata <- replicate( 9, rnorm( 30 ) + 20 )
mydf <- data.frame( xaxis=xaxis, mydata )
colour_scheme <- rainbow( ncol( mydata ) )
mydf.long <- melt( mydf, id.vars="xaxis" )
ggplot( mydf.long, aes( x=xaxis, y=value, color=variable ) ) +
   geom_line() +
   scale_colour_manual( values=colour_scheme, guide=FALSE )

On Tue, 24 Jun 2014, Zayd Farah wrote:

> I hope the following script is reproducible enough to highlight my issue,
> which is to automatically (in this case by loop, but it does not
> necessarily have to be by a loop) add geom_line layers for each column of
> mydata to the ggplot variable p1. for some reason doing this only works by
> manually adding each layer:
> library(ggplot2)
> library(gtable)
> #creates set of reproducible data
> xaxis<-rnorm(30)+10
> xaxis
> mydata<-replicate(9, rnorm(30)+20)
> #creates a matrix of colors to identify each line on the final plot of
> #each column of mydata
> colour_scheme<-palette(rainbow(dim(mydata)[2]))
> # Main scatterplot
> p1 <- ggplot(NULL)
> #ideal code that would create a geom_line layer for each column of mydata
> vs. xaxis
> for (i in 1:dim(mydata)[2])
>    {
>      p1=p1+geom_line(aes(xaxis,mydata[,i]),colour=colour_scheme[i])
>    }
> p1
> #run the following code to see what it SHOULD look like:
> p1 <- ggplot(NULL)
> p1=p1+geom_line(aes(xaxis,mydata[,1]),colour=colour_scheme[1])
> p1=p1+geom_line(aes(xaxis,mydata[,2]),colour=colour_scheme[2])
> p1=p1+geom_line(aes(xaxis,mydata[,3]),colour=colour_scheme[3])
> p1=p1+geom_line(aes(xaxis,mydata[,4]),colour=colour_scheme[4])
> p1
> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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