[R] tkbind (callback)

Greg Snow 538280 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 18:41:14 CEST 2014

I think the problem is that the tkbind function is expecting the 3rd
argument to be a function and the arguments of functions passed to
tkbind need to have specific names.  In your call when you do the
binding the OtoFanCallback function is called at that time (hence the
initial print) and its return value (which is the return value of the
final cat call) is used as the binding function, which ends up doing
nothing as you see.

I changed your bind command to:

tkbind(detlist,"<<ListboxSelect>>", OtofanCallback)

and I changed the OtofanCallback function to have no arguments and ran
the script and everything looks much more like it is working, at least
when I changed the selection in the list box I saw the new value
'cat'ed to the screen.

hope this helps

On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 6:32 AM, Fowler, Mark <Mark.Fowler at dfo-mpo.gc.ca> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've migrated an ADMB application with a user dialog from S to R. The
> script below will produce a dialog in R, and don't need data to address
> this issue. It works in terms of capturing user inputs to pass along, no
> problem running the ADMB program. However some of the options have
> dependencies. E.g. if we fix a parameter it should not have an
> estimation phase, but we want the full suite of phases available to the
> user when the parameter is active. Thus the selection of one listbox is
> constrained by the selection of another listbox. I had callback
> functionality in S for this, and am now trying to implement callbacks in
> tcltk2 using tkbind. At the bottom of the dialog function below I
> include an attempt at a callback function. Just for one parameter-phase
> pair and scenario to illustrate. It includes a troubleshooting cat to
> tell if it works. When I run this it immediately cats the correct value,
> although this is premature, as I haven't interacted with the dialog yet.
> More importantly, it subsequently ignores interactions. If I change the
> parameter definition in one listbox, the callback should verify that the
> estimation phase is appropriate in the other listbox and change it if
> not. But beyond running the callback function when the dialog is
> created, it does not appear to be active after that. Anybody know what
> I'm doing wrong?
> require(tcltk2)
> OtofanGUI=function() {
> OtofanR=tktoplevel()
> tktitle(OtofanR) <- "Age-Related Data Analysis with OTOFAN"
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="DATA SELECTION & DEFINITION"),stick="we")
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="If you already have files of ADMB-formatted
> data, and/or optional PIN, click button(s) to retrieve them"))
> ADMBdata <- tk2button(OtofanR, text = "ADMB Data", width = 10, command =
> function() tkgetOpenFile())
> ADMBfile <- tk2button(OtofanR, text = "ADMB Pin", width = 10, command =
> function() tkgetOpenFile())
> tkgrid(ADMBdata)
> tkgrid(ADMBfile)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text=""))
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="If you have a dataframe in R,
> confirm/identify it, and the variables to build the ADMB inputs"))
> CustomFile <- tclVar("AgeData")
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Dataframe name"),tk2entry(OtofanR,
> textvariable=CustomFile, width=20))
> Ages <- tclVar("AgeYears")
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Age variable"),tk2entry(OtofanR,
> textvariable=Ages, width=20))
> FishLens <- tclVar("FishLength")
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Fish Length variable"),tk2entry(OtofanR,
> textvariable=FishLens, width=20))
> OtoWts <- tclVar("NA")
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Otolith Weight variable"),tk2entry(OtofanR,
> textvariable=OtoWts, width=20))
> OtoLens <- tclVar("NA")
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Otolith Length variable"),tk2entry(OtofanR,
> textvariable=OtoLens, width=20))
> FishWts <- tclVar("NA")
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Fish Weight variable"),tk2entry(OtofanR,
> textvariable=FishWts, width=20))
> GroupID <- tclVar("NA")
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Group ID variable"),tk2entry(OtofanR,
> textvariable=GroupID, width=20))
> YearID <- tclVar("NA")
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Year ID variable"),tk2entry(OtofanR,
> textvariable=YearID, width=20))
> Sex <- tclVar("NA")
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Sex variable"),tk2entry(OtofanR,
> textvariable=Sex, width=20))
> LFdata <- tclVar("NA")
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Separate Length-Frequency Dataframe
> name"),tk2entry(OtofanR, textvariable=LFdata, width=20))
> FreqVar <- tclVar("NA")
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Frequency variable"),tk2entry(OtofanR,
> textvariable=FreqVar, width=20))
> OSTypes <- c("Random at Length", "Simple Random")
> OSlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=OSTypes, selection=1, selectmode =
> "single", height = 2, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x", enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Otolith Sample Type"),OSlist)
> ASTypes <- c("Random at Length", "Simple Random")
> ASlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=ASTypes, selection=1, selectmode =
> "single", height = 2, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x", enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Age Sample Type"),ASlist)
> AppApply <- tk2button(OtofanR, text = "Apply", width = 7, command =
> function()
> OtofanDT(tclvalue(ADMBdata),tclvalue(ADMBFile),tclvalue(ADMBPin),ADMBF="
> NA",ADMBP="NA",tclvalue(GS),
> Regdata="NA",tclvalue(CustomFile),tclvalue(Ages),tclvalue(FishLens),tclv
> alue(OtoWts),tclvalue(OtoLens),tclvalue(FishWts),tclvalue(GroupID),tclva
> lue(YearID),
>                 tclvalue(Sex),tclvalue(LFdata),tclvalue(FreqVar),
> tclvalue(tclVar(OSTypes[as.numeric(tkcurselection(OSlist))+1])),tclvalue
> (tclVar(ASTypes[as.numeric(tkcurselection(ASlist))+1])),
> tclvalue(tclVar(LAAdet[as.numeric(tkcurselection(detlist))+1])),tclvalue
> (tclVar(LPhase[as.numeric(tkcurselection(LPlist))+1])),
> tclvalue(tclVar(Ldist[as.numeric(tkcurselection(Ldlist))+1])),tclvalue(t
> clVar(LAAstdev[as.numeric(tkcurselection(LAASDlist))+1])),
> tclvalue(tclVar(LSDPhase[as.numeric(tkcurselection(LSDlist))+1])),tclval
> ue(tclVar(LSDdist[as.numeric(tkcurselection(LSDdlist))+1])),
> tclvalue(tclVar(LSDcov[as.numeric(tkcurselection(LSDcovlist))+1])),OAA="
> NA",tclvalue(tclVar(OAAdet[as.numeric(tkcurselection(odetlist))+1])),
> tclvalue(tclVar(OPhase[as.numeric(tkcurselection(OPlist))+1])),tclvalue(
> tclVar(Odist[as.numeric(tkcurselection(Odlist))+1])),
> tclvalue(tclVar(OAAstdev[as.numeric(tkcurselection(OAASDlist))+1])),tclv
> alue(tclVar(OSDPhase[as.numeric(tkcurselection(OSDlist))+1])),
> tclvalue(tclVar(OSDdist[as.numeric(tkcurselection(OSDdlist))+1])),CORR="
> NA",tclvalue(tclVar(CORest[as.numeric(tkcurselection(CORRlist))+1])),
> tclvalue(tclVar(CPhase[as.numeric(tkcurselection(CPlist))+1])),GS2="NA",
> tclvalue(tclVar(PAAPhase[as.numeric(tkcurselection(PAAlist))+1]))))
> AppCancel <- tk2button(OtofanR, text = "Cancel", width = 7, command =
> function() tkdestroy(OtofanR))
> tkgrid(AppApply,sticky="w")
> tkgrid(AppCancel,sticky="w")
> #Length at Age Tab
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="LENGTH AT AGE
> FITTING"),sticky="we",column=2,row=1)
> LAAdet <- c("Mean, Estimated", "Constrained BY VBGF, Estimated",
> "Constrained TO VBGF, Fixed")
> detlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("Mean, Estimated", "Constrained BY
> VBGF, Estimated", "Constrained TO VBGF, Fixed"), selection=1, selectmode
> = "single", height = 3, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x", enabled =
> TRUE, width=30)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Determination Method"),column=2,row=2)
> tkgrid(detlist,column=2,row=3)
> LPhase <- c("0", "1", "2", "3")
> LPlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("0", "1", "2", "3"), selection=3,
> selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x",
> enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Activation Phase (0 = Fixed, do not
> estimate)"),column=2,row=5)
> tkgrid(LPlist,column=2,row=6)
> Ldist <- c("0", "1", "2", "3")
> Ldlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("0", "1", "2", "3"), selection=1,
> selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x",
> enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Estimate Distribution in Phase (0 = Fixed,
> do not estimate)"),column=2,row=8)
> tkgrid(Ldlist,column=2,row=9)
> LAAstdev <- c("Traditional Calculation, Fixed", "Constrained BY
> regression, Estimated", "Constrained TO regression, Fixed")
> LAASDlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("Traditional Calculation, Fixed",
> "Constrained BY regression, Estimated", "Constrained TO regression,
> Fixed"), selection=1, selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll =
> "none", autoscroll = "x", enabled = TRUE, width=35)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Standard Deviation"),column=2,row=11)
> tkgrid(LAASDlist,column=2,row=12)
> LSDPhase <- c("0", "1", "2", "3")
> LSDlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("0", "1", "2", "3"), selection=4,
> selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x",
> enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="St Dev Activation Phase (0 = Fixed, do not
> estimate)"),column=2,row=14)
> tkgrid(LSDlist,column=2,row=15)
> LSDdist <- c("0", "1", "2", "3")
> LSDdlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("0", "1", "2", "3"), selection=1,
> selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x",
> enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Estimate St Dev Distribution in Phase (0 =
> do not estimate)"),column=2,row=17)
> tkgrid(LSDdlist,column=2,row=18)
> LSDcov <- c("0", "1", "2", "3")
> LSDcovlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("0", "1", "2", "3"),
> selection=1, selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll = "none",
> autoscroll = "x", enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Estimate CV in Phase (0 = Fixed, do not
> estimate)"),column=2,row=20)
> tkgrid(LSDcovlist,column=2,row=21)
> #Otolith at Age Tab
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="OTOLITH METRICS AT AGE
> FITTING"),sticky="we",column=3,row=1)
> OAAdet <- c("Mean, Estimated", "Constrained BY regression, Estimated",
> "Constrained TO regression, Fixed")
> odetlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("Mean, Estimated", "Constrained BY
> regression, Estimated", "Constrained TO regression, Fixed"),
> selection=1, selectmode = "single", height = 3, scroll = "none",
> autoscroll = "x", enabled = TRUE, width=30)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Determination Method"),column=3,row=2)
> tkgrid(odetlist,column=3,row=3)
> OPhase <- c("0", "1", "2", "3")
> OPlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("0", "1", "2", "3"), selection=3,
> selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x",
> enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Activation Phase (0 = Fixed, do not
> estimate)"),column=3,row=5)
> tkgrid(OPlist,column=3,row=6)
> Odist <- c("0", "1", "2", "3")
> Odlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("0", "1", "2", "3"), selection=1,
> selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x",
> enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Estimate Distribution in Phase (0 = Fixed,
> do not estimate)"),column=3,row=8)
> tkgrid(Odlist,column=3,row=9)
> OAAstdev <- c("Traditional Calculation, Fixed", "Constrained BY
> regression, Estimated", "Constrained TO regression, Fixed")
> OAASDlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("Traditional Calculation, Fixed",
> "Constrained BY regression, Estimated", "Constrained TO regression,
> Fixed"), selection=1, selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll =
> "none", autoscroll = "x", enabled = TRUE, width=35)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Standard Deviation"),column=3,row=11)
> tkgrid(OAASDlist,column=3,row=12)
> OSDPhase <- c("0", "1", "2", "3")
> OSDlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("0", "1", "2", "3"), selection=4,
> selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x",
> enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="St Dev Activation Phase (0 = Fixed, do not
> estimate)"),column=3,row=14)
> tkgrid(OSDlist,column=3,row=15)
> OSDdist <- c("0", "1", "2", "3")
> OSDdlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("0", "1", "2", "3"), selection=1,
> selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x",
> enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Estimate St Dev Distribution in Phase (0 =
> do not estimate)"),column=3,row=17)
> tkgrid(OSDdlist,column=3,row=18)
> #Dependencies Tab
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="DEPENDENCIES"),sticky="we",column=4,row=1)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Correlations"),sticky="we",column=4,row=2)
> CORest <- c("Age-Specific", "Age-Invariant")
> CORRlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("Age-Specific", "Age-Invariant"),
> selection=1, selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll = "none",
> autoscroll = "x", enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Method"),column=4,row=3)
> tkgrid(CORRlist,column=4,row=3)
> CPhase <- c("1", "2", "3")
> CPlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("1", "2", "3"), selection=3,
> selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x",
> enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Activation Phase"),column=4,row=5)
> tkgrid(CPlist,column=4,row=6)
> PAAPhase <- c("1", "2", "3")
> PAAlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("1", "2", "3"), selection=1,
> selectmode = "single", height = 4, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x",
> enabled = TRUE)
> tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Activation Phase to Estimate Proportions at
> Age"),column=4,row=8)
> tkgrid(PAAlist,column=4,row=9)
> OtofanCallback = function(detlist,LAAdet,LPhase,LPlist) {
>                                 if
> (tclvalue(tclVar(LAAdet[as.numeric(tkcurselection(detlist))+1]))!="3" &
> tclvalue(tclVar(LPhase[as.numeric(tkcurselection(LPlist))+1]))=="0")tkse
> lection.set(detlist, 2)
> cat(tclvalue(tclVar(LAAdet[as.numeric(tkcurselection(detlist))+1])))
> }
> tkbind(detlist,"<Key>", OtofanCallback(detlist,LAAdet,LPhase,LPlist))
> }
> OtofanGUI()
> [immediately outputs as below]
> Mean, Estimated<Tcl>
> Mark Fowler
> Population Ecology Division
> Bedford Inst of Oceanography
> Dept Fisheries & Oceans
> Dartmouth NS Canada
> B2Y 4A2
> Tel. (902) 426-3529
> Fax (902) 426-9710
> Email Mark.Fowler at dfo-mpo.gc.ca <mailto:Mark.Fowler at dfo-mpo.gc.ca>
>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
538280 at gmail.com

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