[R] Ordering the rows of a data frame

Bert Gunter gunter.berton at gene.com
Fri Jan 3 19:00:50 CET 2014

You misunderstand = I was not sufficiently clear.

What is false is your statement that "you **need** to attach the data
file before sorting." You do not. with()/within() can be used to avoid
using the fully qualified names without attaching. I did not claim
that attaching first would not work, only that it was not
**necessary** and is generally unwise.

-- Bert

Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
(650) 467-7374

"Data is not information. Information is not knowledge. And knowledge
is certainly not wisdom."
H. Gilbert Welch

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 9:21 AM, Dmitry Pavlyuk
<dmitry.v.pavlyuk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Bert, why do you think that "attach" is not working in this case? Did you
> check it before your advice? :)
> I agree about "generally bad approach", but it is quite convenient for work
> with one data set.
> Dmitry
> On 03/01/2014 18:28, Bert Gunter wrote:
>> Inline
>> Bert Gunter
>> Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
>> (650) 467-7374
>> "Data is not information. Information is not knowledge. And knowledge
>> is certainly not wisdom."
>> H. Gilbert Welch
>> On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 7:08 AM, Dmitry Pavlyuk
>> <dmitry.v.pavlyuk at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Sofia!
>>> You need to attach the data file before sorting:
>> This is false! -- and generally a bad idea.  See ?with
>> Please do not give advice without checking whether it is correct.
>> -- Bert
>>> attach(df_final)
>>> or just use full qualified names (like df_final$Y_init)
>>> Dmitry
>>> On 03/01/2014 16:41, Stefano Sofia wrote:
>>>> Dear R users,
>>>> I have two files of seasonal rainfall data (more than 10,000 rows each);
>>>> here the first 8 rows of each file are reported.
>>>> Code_Raingouge,Y_init,M_init,D_init,h_init,m_init,Y_fin,M_fin,D_fin,h_fin,m_fin,Rainfall,N_Values,Quality_Level,Code_Station
>>>> 2000,1952,12,1,0,0,1953,3,1,0,0,307.20,90,100.0,1510
>>>> 2000,1953,3,1,0,0,1953,6,1,0,0,153.60,92,100.0,1510
>>>> 2000,1953,6,1,0,0,1953,9,1,0,0,181.00,92,100.0,1510
>>>> 2000,1953,9,1,0,0,1953,12,1,0,0,202.40,91,100.0,1510
>>>> 2000,1953,12,1,0,0,1954,3,1,0,0,153.80,90,100.0,1510
>>>> 2000,1954,3,1,0,0,1954,6,1,0,0,286.20,92,100.0,1510
>>>> 2000,1954,6,1,0,0,1954,9,1,0,0,142.80,92,100.0,1510
>>>> 2000,1954,9,1,0,0,1954,12,1,0,0,186.60,91,100.0,1510
>>>> ...
>>>> Code_Raingouge,Y_init,M_init,D_init,h_init,m_init,Y_fin,M_fin,D_fin,h_fin,m_fin,Rainfall,N_Values,Quality_Level,Code_Station
>>>> 1056,2004,12,1,0,0,2005,3,1,0,0,93.60,2833,32.8,15
>>>> 1056,2005,3,1,0,0,2005,6,1,0,0,149.80,4406,49.9,15
>>>> 1056,2005,6,1,0,0,2005,9,1,0,0,52.80,1440,16.3,15
>>>> 1056,2005,9,1,0,0,2005,12,1,0,0,191.80,1201,13.7,15
>>>> 1056,2005,12,1,0,0,2006,3,1,0,0,26.40,336,3.9,15
>>>> 1056,2006,12,1,0,0,2007,3,1,0,0,59.00,3604,41.7,15
>>>> 1056,2007,3,1,0,0,2007,6,1,0,0,181.16,4414,50.0,15
>>>> 1056,2007,6,1,0,0,2007,9,1,0,0,96.00,7337,83.1,15
>>>> ...
>>>> I have to load them as data frames, to merge them and sort them by
>>>> (Y_init,M_init,D_init,Code_Raingouge).
>>>> I wrote a short function where I first load the two files as data frames
>>>> df_1 <- read.csv(file="prec_all_19521201_19821201.csv", sep=",")
>>>> df_2 <- read.csv(file="prec_all_19821201_20111201.csv", sep=",")
>>>> then I merge them by
>>>> df_final <- merge(df_1, df_2, all=TRUE)
>>>> and finally I try to order df_final through
>>>> df_final <- df_final[order(Y_init, M_init, D_init, Code_Raingouge), ]
>>>> but this returns only the first row.
>>>> I read the manual carefully and I saw some examples, but I have not been
>>>> able to do this simple task.
>>>> I spent quite a long time and now I decided to ask the list.
>>>> Could please somebody help me to show me where the mistake is?
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Stefano
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