[R] Tracking what R actually executes

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 00:55:28 CET 2014

On 14-01-02 6:05 PM, Fisher Dennis wrote:
> R 3.0.2
> All platforms
> Colleagues
> This question is probably conceptual rather than technical and I have not thought out all of the issues yet.  Let’s say I have an extensive list of functions and some lines of code that call the functions.  I would like to have a record of all the commands that were actually executed.  I realize that this could be voluminous but it might be necessary.
> For example, the code and function might be:
> ###############
> COUNTER	<- function(N)
> 	for (i in 1:N)	cat(“count”, i, “\n”)
> ###############
> cat(“count”, 1, “\n”)
> cat(“count”, 2, “\n”)
> cat(“count”, 3, “\n”)
> cat(“count”, 4, “\n”)
> cat(“count”, 5, “\n”)
> cat(“count”, 6, “\n”)
> cat(“count”, 7, “\n”)
> cat(“count”, 8, “\n”)
> cat(“count”, 9, “\n”)
> cat(“count”, 10, “\n”)
> #################
> If I have formulated the question poorly, please do you best to understand the intent.
> Dennis

As far as I know, R doesn't have exactly this built in, but the Rprof() 
function gives an approximation.  It will interrupt the execution at a 
regular time interval (1/50 sec is the default, I think), and record all 
functions that are currently active on the execution stack.  So tiny 
little functions could be missed, but bigger ones probably won't be.

There are also options to Rprof to give other profiling information, 
including more detail on execution position (down to the line number), 
and various measures of memory use.

Duncan Murdoch

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