[R] Safe prediction does not work for bivariate polynomial terms?

Xing Zhao zhaoxing at uw.edu
Fri Jan 24 03:09:36 CET 2014

Hi everyone,

R documents says the safe prediction is implemented, when basis
functions are used, such as poly(), bs(), ns()

This works for univariate basis, but fails in my bivariate polynomial setting.
Can anyone explain the reason?

The following is a small example.


f <- function(x, y) {  0.5+2*x+13*x^2-14*y^2+12*x*y+y }

z <- f(x,y)+rnorm(length(x))*0.2

# default orthogonal polynomials basis
mod <- lm (z ~ poly(x,y,degree = 2))

# raw polynomials basis
mod1 <- lm (z ~ poly(x,y,degree = 2, raw = T))

# data points to evaluate, just the first five data
new <- data.frame(x=x[1:5],y= y[1:5])

[1]  9.796620 10.397851  1.280832  4.028284  4.811709

# two predicted values differ dramatically, and the orthogonal
polynomials basis fails
predict(mod, new)
        1         2         3         4         5
121.46776  40.85002  18.67273  31.82417  20.81673
predict(mod1, new)
        1         2         3         4         5
 9.981091 10.418628  1.223148  4.031664  4.837099

# However, the fitted.values are the same
        1         2         3         4         5
 9.981091 10.418628  1.223148  4.031664  4.837099
        1         2         3         4         5
 9.981091 10.418628  1.223148  4.031664  4.837099

Thanks in advance

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