[R] Discrepant lm() and survreg() standard errors with weighted fits
Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D.
therneau at mayo.edu
Wed Feb 26 15:21:15 CET 2014
The robust variances are a completely different estimate of standard error. For linear
models the robust variance has been rediscovered many times and so has lots of names: the
White estimate in economics, the Horvitz-Thompson in surveys, working independence
esitmate in GEE models, infinitesimal jackknife in stat literature, .... But it is not
the MLE estimate.
When the robust estimate was added to survreg (and coxph) I made the decision that IF
someone was invoking the robust variance, AND they were using weights, that simple case
weights were unlikely to be what they had. So I chose to make treat the weights as
sampling or precision weights, in contraindication to the longer standing behavior of
coxph/survreg without a robust argument. Looking back, I probably should have taken one
step further and changed the routines' behavior globally on the presumption that true case
weights are vanishingly rare. They were not uncommon in my computing youth, when computer
memory of < 64KB was usual (max possible on the PDP-11 architecture). But one is always
cautious about non-backwards compatable changes.
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When I use robust=T, I do not understand how survreg treats the
weights as sampling weights and arrives at a different standard error
from lm:
> summary(survreg(Surv(y)~x, dist='gaussian', data=test, weights=rep(2,6), robust=T))$table
Value Std. Err (Naive SE) z p
(Intercept) 0.4000000 0.29426260 0.5219013 1.35933 1.740420e-01
x 0.8857143 0.08384353 0.1340119 10.56390 4.380958e-26
Log(scale) -0.2321528 0.08117684 0.2041241 -2.85984 4.238543e-03
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