[R] A couple of issues with lattice::bwplot

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 00:27:41 CET 2014

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 4:49 PM, Ravi Varadhan <ravi.varadhan at jhu.edu> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using lattice::bwplot to plot the results of a subgroup analysis for different simulation scenarios.  I have 4 subgroups, 5 methods of estimating treatment effect in subgroups, and 4 scenarios.  I am plotting the subgroup effect and its upper and lower CI.
> I have 2 issues that I am unable to resolve:
> 1.       How can I control the order in which the panels are plotted?  For example, I would like to bottom and top rows to be switched, and for 2nd and 3rd rows to be switched.
> 2.       How can I plot a point within each panel at a fixed coordinate?
> My code is as follows:
> library(lattice)
> trellis.par.set("box.rectangle", list(lty=1, lwd=2))
> trellis.par.set("box.umbrella", list(lty=1, lwd=2))
> n.param <- 16
> est.method <- c("Bayes-DS", "EB", "MLE-DS", "Naive", "Stand")
> est.type <- c("Point", "LCL", "UCL")
> est.names <- c("Int.", paste0("X", 2:n.param))
> est.names <- c(outer(c("X0=0", "X0=1","X1=0", "X1=1"), paste0(", scenario", 1:4), function(x,y) paste0(x, y)))
> n.methods <- length(est.method)
> n.types <- length(est.type)
> estimates <- data.frame(Tx.effect=sort(rnorm(n.param*n.methods*n.types, mean=0.5, sd=0.2)),
>                         method=rep(est.method, each=n.param*n.types),
>                         name=rep(est.names, times=n.types*n.methods),
>                         type=rep(est.type, times=n.param*n.methods))
> truth <- runif(16)  # I would like to plot these points, one per each panel
> bwplot(method ~ Tx.effect|name, data=estimates, box.width=0, coef=0, pch=22)

as.table = TRUE will change the order and grid.text can be used to
plot in npc units (which range from 0 to 1):


pnl <- function(...) { panel.bwplot(...); grid.points(.1, .9, pch =
20, default.units = "npc") }
bwplot(method ~ Tx.effect|name, data=estimates, box.width=0, coef=0,
pch=22, as.table = TRUE, panel = pnl)

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