[R] Rule Mining - Cross Analysis
Michael Fueg
michael.fueg at mayato.com
Thu Feb 20 16:08:20 CET 2014
Dear All,
my problem case: I want to use the apriori-function to analyze my test data. Take a look (the data is attached).
WarenGruppe is a hierarchical higher class for Item. I analyzed with apriori() Customer and Item but I want also to start a cross-rule-mining. That means for example that one rule could be {Item2, Item4} -> {WG2} and another one could be {Item1, Item5} -> {Item2}.
The code is attached. I can just analyze WarenGruppe or Item, but the goal is to analyze them booth (like the example).
Has somebody a hint or a reason to realize this "cross-Analysis" in R?
Best regard
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