[R] Bca confidence intervals for Pearson coefficient, thanks.

varin sacha varinsacha at yahoo.fr
Sat Dec 20 21:36:57 CET 2014

Hi to everyone,
I am trying to calculate the Bca bootstrap confidence intervals for the Pearson coefficient.
x=Dataset$math.testy=Dataset$geo.testcor(x,y,method="pearson")[1] 0.6983799
boot.ci(cor, conf=0.95, type=bca)Erreur dans boot.out$t0 : objet de type 'closure' non indiçable

I have tried as well to calculate the Pearson coefficient using bootstrap and then to calculate the Bca bootstrap CIs of the Pearson. It doesn't work either. 
boot(data = cbind(x, y), statistic = cor, R = 200)


boot(data = cbind(x, y), statistic = cor, R = 200)

Bootstrap Statistics :
      original    bias    std. error
t1* -0.6243713 0.6295142   0.2506267
t2* -0.1366533 0.1565392   0.2579134
> boot.ci(cor, conf=0.95, type=bca)
Erreur dans boot.out$t0 : objet de type 'closure' non indiçable
Many thanks to tell me how to correct my R script to get the Bca CIs for my Pearson coefficient. Best regards, looking forward to reading you,

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