[R] Network graph google maps‏

Tim de Wolf dewolf.tim at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 16 08:47:07 CET 2014

Hello everybody. I am not sure if I am in the right forum for my question. If so, please let me know so I can go somewhere else! Thanks. Currently I am trying to familiarize myself with R. I am trying to plot some sort of Network graph (think of migration maps). Basically, I'd like to have an interactive map (via the google maps packages for R f.e.) of The Netherlands which has nodes and edges. However, I stumble upon some problems. I figured out how to create edges and nodes in R using the map function (this was quite the victory for me). R automatically creates a world map on which I can plot the data. But the world map is nowhere near as detailed as an interactive google map (via, f.e., gvisMap package). So I was looking for a way to get a google map, and plot data onto that, but I just can't seem to find a tutorial. I found this document, which shows several graphs, but none is a "network graph". The goal is to eventually connect it to shiny and be able to plot different kinds of network graphs based on input. I really need a tutorial as I am still a big noob in R :) So is there someone who is willing to help me find some sort of tutorial? Any help is much appreciated!

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