[R] create matrices with constraint

John McKown john.archie.mckown at gmail.com
Sun Dec 14 17:48:12 CET 2014

On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 9:30 AM, Gerrit Draisma <gdraisma at xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Ha John,
> Sorry I did not follow the discussion but what
> about
>  combn(1:28,4)
> ?
> Gerrit.

​Very nice! Thanks.  The form needed by the OP would be t(combn(1:28,4)) to
swap rows & columns.

I'm cross posting this to the r-help so that the OP can get at it (to give
credit to the right person). This is just "phase 1" of her real quest for a
set of 7x4 (rows x columns) matrices made from rows from that result which
are complete (each matrix contains all the values in 1:28, and disjunct.
 (Assuming I'm remembering the correct words. Which is not so easy at 62,
with college being a fading memory.)

As an aside, I am really curious what the OP wants with this set of
matrices. Another in the thread said something about "incomplete block
designs", but that is something that I've never heard of before. I'm really
poor at statistics.

The temperature of the aqueous content of an unremittingly ogled
culinary vessel will not achieve 100 degrees on the Celsius scale.

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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