[R] Finding unique elements faster

Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us
Mon Dec 8 22:47:31 CET 2014

The data.table package might be of use to you, but lacking a reproducible 
example [1] I think I will leave figuring out just how to you.

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[1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5963269/how-to-make-a-great-r-reproducible-example

On Mon, 8 Dec 2014, apeshifter wrote:

> Dear all,
> for the past two weeks, I've been working on a script to retrieve word pairs
> and calculate some of their statistics using R. Everything seemed to work
> fine until I switched from a small test dataset to the 'real thing' and
> noticed what a runtime monster I had devised!
> I could reduce processing time significantly when I realized that with R, I
> did not have to do everything in loops and count things vector element by
> vector element, but could just have the program count everything with
> tables, e.g. with
>  > freq.w1w2.2<-table(all.word.pairs)[all.word.pairs]
> However, now I seem to have run into a performance problem that I cannot
> solve. I hope there's a kind soul on this list who has some advice for me.
> On to the problem:
> The last relic of the afore-mentioned for-loop that goes through all the
> word pairs and tries to calculate some statistics on them is the following
> line of code:
>  > typefreq.after1[i]<-length(unique(word2[which(word1==word1[i])]))
> (where word1 and word2 are the first and second word within the two-word
> sequence (all.word.pairs, above)
> Here, I am trying to count the number of 'types', linguistically speaking,
> before the second word in the two-word sequence (later, I am doing the same
> for the first word within the sequence). The expression works, but given my
> ~400,000 word pairs/word1's/word2's etc, this takes quite some time. About
> 10 hours on my machine, in fact, since R cannot use the other three of the
> four cores. Since I want to repeat the process for another 20 corpora of
> similar size, I would definitely appreciate some help on this subject.
> I have been trying 'typefreq.after1<-table(unique(word2[word1]))[2]' and the
> subset() function and both seem to work (though I haven't checked whether
> all the numbers are in fact correctly calculated), but they take about the
> same amount of time. So that's no use for me.
> Does anybody have any tips to speed this up?
> Thank you very much!
> --
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