[R] RODBC Error

Knut Krueger rh at knut-krueger.de
Mon Dec 8 12:00:40 CET 2014

There is a system wide installation for the university computer of r and 
Rcmdr (R-Commander)
There a a few computer with the following message the user tries to open 
an excel sheet with R.Commander:

(I assume the german message is from the german operating system win 7)

 > library(RODBC, pos=15)
Warning in odbcDriverConnect(con, tabQuote = c("[", "]"), ...) :
   [RODBC] FEHLER: Status IM002, Code 0, Nachricht [Microsoft][ODBC 
Driver Manager] Der Datenquellenname wurde nicht gefunden, und es wurde 
kein Standardtreiber angegeben
Warning in odbcDriverConnect(con, tabQuote = c("[", "]"), ...) :
   ODBC connection failed
Error in sqlTables(channel) : first argument is not an open RODBC channel

I do not know what the difference of the Computers systems could be.
Any hint for me? I am not able to reproduce this error with my Win 7 

Regards Knut

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