[R] reading data saved with writeBin() into anything other than R

Mike Miller mbmiller+l at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 02:59:47 CEST 2014

After saving a file like so...

con <- gzcon("file.gz", "wb"))
writeBin(vector, con, size=2)

I can read it back into R like so...

con <- gzcon("file.gz", "rb"))
vector <- readBin(con, integer(), 48000000, size=2, signed=FALSE)

...and I'm wondering what other programs might be able to read in these 
data.  It seems to be very straightforward:  When I store 5436 integers 
for each of 7694 subjects, at two bytes per integer that ought to be 
5436*7696*2 = 83670912 bytes, and it is exactly that:

$ zcat file.gz | wc -c

So if I just convert every pair of bytes to an integer, I guess that will 
do it.  I stored them this way because it was compact, but I guess this 
system also can work well when other software needs to read the data. 
For me that other software would probably be Octave.  I'm interested if 
anyone here has read in these files using Octave, or a C program or 
anything else.  If I don't get a good answer here, I'll try the Octave 
list, and I'll send my best answers here.

The rest of this is some related info for readers of this list.  You don't 
need to read below to answer my question above.  Thanks.

In case anyone is interested, I did some comparisons of loading speed and 
file size for a number of ways of storing my data.  These data all consist 
of positive numbers between 0 and 2, with three digits to the right of the 
decimal, so I can save them as floating point double-precision, or 
multiply by 1000 and store them as integers.  The test here as for a 
matrix of 5000 x 7845 = 39,225,000 values.  These are the file sizes:

    202.1 MB  tab-delimited text file, original, uncompressed
     29.9 MB  tab-delimited text file, original, gzip compressed
    187.7 MB  tab-delimited text file, integers, uncompressed
     24.6 MB  tab-delimited text file, integers, gzip compressed
     38.9 MB  R save() original numeric values (doubles)
     27.0 MB  R save() integers
     19.7 MB  R writeBin() 16-bit integer gzipped

So, for file size (important in my case), the gzipped writeBin() method 
storing 16-bit integers was the winner.  Impressively, storing the data 
that way and dividing by 1000 on the fly to return the original numbers 
was faster than reading an Rdata file of the matrix:

The integer text file:

> system.time( D <- matrix( scan( file = "D/D000", what=integer(0) ), ncol=7845, byrow=TRUE ) )
Read 39225000 items
     user  system elapsed
   10.626   0.344  10.971

The R save() original numeric values (doubles):

> system.time( load("D000_test.Rdata") )
     user  system elapsed
    5.579   0.119   5.698

The R save() integers:

> system.time( load("D000_test.Rdata") )
     user  system elapsed
    4.863   0.050   4.913

The writeBin() 16-bit integer gzipped file:

> con <- gzcon(file("D000_test.gz", "rb"))
> system.time( D <- matrix( readBin( con, integer(), 7845*5000, size=2, signed=FALSE ), ncol=7845, byrow=TRUE ) )
     user  system elapsed
    3.769   0.138   3.906
> close(con)

The writeBin() 16-bit integer gzipped file, converted to numeric by 
dividing by 1000 on the fly:

> system.time( D <- matrix( readBin( con, integer(), 7845*5000, size=2, signed=FALSE ), ncol=7845, byrow=TRUE )/1000 )
     user  system elapsed
    4.159   0.237   4.397
> close(con)



Michael B. Miller, Ph.D.
Minnesota Center for Twin and Family Research
Department of Psychology
University of Minnesota

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