[R] using for loop for data frame
Rui Barradas
ruipbarradas at sapo.pt
Tue Apr 15 23:35:15 CEST 2014
Em 15-04-2014 18:02, Monaly Mistry escreveu:
> Hi,
> I have a data frame with 15 different years and each year has a different
> sample size. I'm having trouble writing a for loop to have a t-test done
> for each year for two of the columns. Thus far I have been able to loop
> over the years but the output is the same t-test 15 times. I'm new to
> writing loops and functions, and am trying to figure out a way to use them
> together (if there are any general rules to follow, I would be great-full
> to know)
> for(year in 1998:2012){
> b <-t.test(tr$adj_ind_pop_dif, tr$ind_nei_dif, paired=TRUE)
> print(b)
> }
The problem with this loop is that you don't use the variable 'year' in
it. It just repeats the same test 15 times.
> the other way I did it was to take subsets of the dataframe and then do a
> separate t-test for each
> ab<-subset(tr, BroedJaar =="1999")
> t.test(ab$ind_nei_dif, ab$adj_ind_pop_dif, paired=TRUE)
So BroedJaar is a character variable? Try
for(year in 1998:2012){
ab <- subset(tr, BroedJaar == as.character(year))
b <- t.test(ab$adj_ind_pop_dif, ab$ind_nei_dif, paired=TRUE)
Note however that this won't store the results of the t-tests, all but
the last one will be lost. (The last one is stored in 'b'.)
If you want the results of the 15 tests you can do
result <- lapply(1998:2012, function(year){
ab <- subset(tr, BroedJaar == as.character(year))
t.test(ab$adj_ind_pop_dif, ab$ind_nei_dif, paired=TRUE)
names(result) <- 1998:2012
Then you can access the results with something like
result[[1]] # first test
result[["1998"]] # equivalent
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
> Best,
> Monaly.
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