[R] Growth of CRAN?

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at structuremonitoring.com
Sun Apr 13 18:59:14 CEST 2014

       What data exist on the growth of CRAN?

       John Fox published some data on it in 2009 ("Aspects of the 
Social Organization and Trajectory of the R Project", R Journal, 
Below please find those numbers plus some additions of mine since. If 
anyone else has other numbers (or more accurate numbers), I'd like to know.

       I plan to add a "CRANpackages" data set to the "Ecdat" package 
with a title, "Growth of CRAN" unless someone else provides better 
numbers or title.  [If it already exists on CRAN, I'd like to know. I 
doubt if it does, because I couldn't find it with findFn{sos} for 
'number of CRAN packages' and 'growth of CRAN'.]


date    packages
2001-06-21    110
2001-12-17    129
2002-06-12    162
2003-05-27    219
2003-11-16    273
2004-06-05    357
2004-10-12    406
2005-06-18    548
2005-12-16    647
2006-05-31    739
2006-12-12    911
2007-04-12    1000
2007-11-16    1300
2008-03-18    1427
2008-10-18    1614
2009-09-17    1952
2012-06-12    3786
2012-11-01    4082
2012-12-14    4210
2013-10-28    4960
2013-11-08    5000
2014-04-13    5428

* NOTE:  These numbers may differ slightly from other sources. Numbers 
through 2009 were read from a plot in Fox's paper.  Numbers since were 
read at an arbitrary time during the day, Pacific time, from a mirror in 
the United States and could differ from those recorded by someone else 
using a different mirror having the same date in local time  someplace 

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