[R] How two have two legends on a chart with different groups?

jcrosbie james at crosb.ie
Sat Apr 12 20:03:03 CEST 2014

I'm trying to have two legends on a chart, with two sets of data with
subgroups. Currently ggplot is are merging the to sets of data together.

I would like to have the vertical lines in there own legend and not affect
the colour shading or show up in the "type" legend.

How would I go about doing this?

df <- data.frame(val1=rnorm(300, 75, 10), val2=rnorm(300, 75,
10),type=rep(c("A", "B", "C"),100))

cuts1 <- data.frame(Stats="Stat A", vals=c(43, 70, 90))
cuts2 <- data.frame(Stats="Stat B", vals=cuts2 <- c(46, 79, 86))

cuts <- rbind(cuts1,cuts2)

ggplot(df, aes(x=val1, y=val2, group=type)) +
             colour = Stats),
         show_guide = TRUE)
I got the idea of how to do this from: Add vline to existing plot and have
it appear in ggplot2 legend?

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