[R] Elliptic Fourier Analysis and PCA
Violette Bertrand
violette.bertrand at yahoo.fr
Thu Apr 10 16:05:09 CEST 2014
I use packages "momocs" and "ade4" to dertermine morphometry of
cavities entrances.
I have few questions about the PCA
(non-normalized) (see image enclosed) :
1) *What do show the confidence
ellipses ?* Some papers say that ellipses
include 95 % of the data, but it
seems to be less here... Moreover, I can choose the size of the ellipses with "cellipse" (ex : cellipse=1), but what does it means ?
2) What does mean "d=50" (in the top-right corner) ?
3) What
do mean each axis of the PCA ? Wikipedia say "Each axis on a PCA
plot is an
eigenvector of the covariance matrix of shape variables." But
it's not really
clear for me... What is the axis units ?
Thanks for your help :-)
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