[R] Difficulty coding time-forced functions in deSolve
Thomas Petzoldt
thpe at simecol.de
Sat Apr 5 21:52:13 CEST 2014
does the following help you?
SEIR <- function(t, x, p) {
if (t < 7)
xlag <- x
xlag <- lagvalue(t - 7)
V <- ifelse(xlag[3]/sum(xlag) > 0.01, 0.25, 0)
## uncomment the following for printing some internal information
#cat("t=", t, " -- ")
#cat(xlag, " -- ", V, "\n")
N <- sum(x)
dS<- b*N - d*S - beta*S*I/N - V*S
dE<- -d*E+beta*S*I/N - epsilon*E - V*E
dI<- -d*I + epsilon*E - gamma*I - mu*I - V*I
dR<- -d*R + gamma*I + V*S + V*E + V*I
list(c(dS, dE, dI, dR), N = unname(N), V = unname(V))
num_years <- 1
time_limit <- num_years*365.00
b <- 1/(10.0*365)
d <- b
beta <- 0.48
epsilon <- 1/4
gamma <- 1/4
mu <- -log(1-0.25)*gamma
parms <- c(b=b, d=d, beta=beta, epsilon=epsilon, gamma=gamma, mu=mu)
xstart <-c(S=999, E=0, I=1, R=0)
times <- seq(0.0, time_limit, 1.0)
out <- dede(xstart, times, SEIR, parms, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-8)
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