[R] looping in R
Duncan Murdoch
murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 22:35:57 CEST 2014
On 02/04/2014, 3:15 PM, Abugri James wrote:
> I ran the following loop on my SNP data and got an error message as
> indicated
I would assume that the error message is accurate:
as.character(current[1, "gene_old"]) has length zero. You'll need to
debug why that happened.
Duncan Murdoch
> for (i in genenames){
> + current <- fst1[which(fst1$Gene == i),]
> + num <- nrow(current)
> + fst <- max(current$fst)
> + position <- mean(current$pos)
> + nposition <- mean(current$newpos)
> + numhigh <- nrow(current[which(current$fst > threshold),])
> + colors <- mean(current$colors)
> + output <- matrix(NA,nrow=1,ncol=8)
> + numthresh <- paste("# SNPs > Fst = ", threshold, sep="")
> + colnames(output) <- c("gene", "gene_old", "pos", "newpos", "# Snps",
> numthresh, "Max.Fst", "colors")
> + output[1,1] <- i
> + output[1,2] <- as.character(current[1, "gene_old"])
> + output[1,3] <- position
> + output[1,4] <- nposition
> + output[1,5] <- num
> + output[1,6] <- numhigh
> + output[1,7] <- fst
> + output[1,8] <- colors
> + maxfstgene <- rbind(maxfstgene, output)
> + }
> Error in output[1, 2] <- as.character(current[1, "gene_old"]) :
> replacement has length zero
> In addition: Warning message:
> In mean.default(current$pos) :
> argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA
> --
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