[R] Plotting Satellite
Michael Sumner
mdsumner at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 00:20:40 CEST 2014
What are the columns in sat.mat?
I can see that, sat.mat[,1:2] are longitude and latitude in some form
but we don't even know what dim(sat.mat)[2] is from what you've shown.
You can avoid the loops (untested):
asub <- sat.mat[,1] >= long.min & sat.mat[,1] <= long.max &
sat.mat[,2] >= lat.min & sat.mat[,2] <= lat.max
tempo <- sat.mat[asub, ]
Note that you don't need to equate to TRUE, and & is vectorized. Your
process would have needed to zap out rows with values of zero in
tempo[,1:2] but since your longitude range straddles longitude 0 you
might have a problem there.
## basic plot
plot(tempo[,1:2], pch = ".")
Using other columns you can control the plot colours and symbols, and
there is higher-level support for these idioms in the packages you
load but haven't use. Check out R-Sig-Geo in future as a list relevant
to this topic. When posting include examples relevant only to your
question, and recreate or point to example data.
Are the data gridded? If so I'd be going to the provider for a
sensible format and avoid this raw table thing completely. If you
can't get that use the tools in the Spatial suite to sort it out and
streamline first.
Cheers, Mike.
On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 4:23 AM, Dao_De <Zeef at gmx.de> wrote:
> I want to read the following file with and extract the longitude and latitude
> for certain areas.
> The file is satellite data from topex and contains the monthly wave energy
> fluxes around the worlds oceans.
> For doing that i have the following loop that reads the specific data.
> I then want to create a worldmap/the specific region for example the baltic
> sea or whatever, that shows the the wave energy. Also i want to plot the
> averages and the trend for the wave energy and eventually calcualte a slope
> for the wave energy over time.
> I got the following loop
> library(sp)
> library(maptools)
> library(maps)
> library(rgdal)
> library(shape)
> library(mapdata)
> # "pow_sat_file.txt"
> inputpath1<-"/Users/Sam/Desktop/MER/rem/"
> inputfile1<-paste(inputpath1,"pow_sat_file.txt",sep="")
> sat<-read.table("pow_sat_file.txt",header=TRUE, sep="",nrow=-1)
> sat.mat<-as.data.frame(sat)
> dims<-dim(sat.mat)
> tempo<-matrix(0, nrow=dims[1], ncol=dims[2])
> tempo<-data.frame(tempo)
> date<-seq(as.Date("1993/1/1"), as.Date("2005/10/1"), by="month")
> # France coordinates
> long.min<--6
> long.max<-10
> lat.min<-40
> lat.max<-52
> #Loop on "pow_sat_file.txt" to only keep the interesting points
> for (i in 1:dims[1]){
> long<-sat.mat[i,1]
> lat<-sat.mat[i,2]
> if (((long>=-6 && long<=10)==TRUE ) && ((lat>=40 && lat<=52))==TRUE){
> tempo[i,1]<-long
> tempo[i,2]<-lat
> for (j in 3:dims[2]){
> tempo[i,j]<-sat.mat[i,j]
> }
> }
> }
> How do i continue from here to get a map of the specific region and a slope?
> Thx in advance
> --
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Michael Sumner
Software and Database Engineer
Australian Antarctic Division
Hobart, Australia
e-mail: mdsumner at gmail.com
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